As the distressing daily totals of deaths linked to Covid-19 continue to rise, our panellists look at the practicalities of authorities managing the pandemic. We take a sobering look at practical plans and processes for public health funerals including procedures for undertaking PHA funerals remotely, the use of temporary morgues and debate other possible difficult situations we may have to face. We will also look at infection control measures and the role of EHPs within the pandemic.

Our panel includes Caryn Cox, a Chartered EHP as well as a Consultant in Public Health and Health Protection who works in both England and Wales. Tim Everett, Doctoral researcher, and trainer in Environmental Law as well as holding a wealth of experiences including being a  national adviser to the Cabinet Office during SAR’s. As well as Dr Lisa Ackerley, ‘the Hygiene Doctor’ who has for over 30 years being passionate about raising awareness of hygiene.